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Welcome to the OFFICIAL Mind Over Time Muzic website!

Wuttup, This is Ropadodo, the founder of Mind Over Time Muzic. The new album is in preperation and coming SOON! In the meantime, be SURE to check out the MUSIC page to get a taste of some of what Mind Over Time has to offer. I have been producing and rapping since 2000, and along with my fellow artists are making music that NOBODY is ready for... Mind Over Time Muzic features artists such as Dre-D, Jack Capers, Khanvict, Stimp a.k.a Photon, Mista Maniacal, and more. Take a look on our artists page for more information and to contact your favorite M.O.T. artist! Also, don't forget to look at the WHAT'S NEW page for the latest news! KEEP IT M.O.T! SwOoP SwOoP!!!


Also visit the OFFICIAL MYSPACE PAGE of Mind Over Time Muzic and ROPADODO by clicking image below... Be sure to ADD ALL your favorite M.O.T ARTISTS from the top friends, and get OFFICIAL M.O.T songs for YOUR PROFILE!!